The basic component of Ayahuasca is a decoction Caapi Banisteriopsis liana , but other plants which also contain this element , such as Colaoriopsis Caapi or Peganum harmala ( Syrian rue ) , so it can be used instead of the liana , which will provide the various ayahuascas a large variability in composition and pharmacological profile. In other cases, such as in the Jivaro natemano rituals , the vine Banisteriopsis caapi is the only component of the decoction .
Preparation of Ayahuasca in Iquitos, Peru
The liana Banisteriopsis caapi contains some known as harmala alkaloids substances. The main ones are harmine ( an active principle which before its official classification in 1939 was called banisterín , yageína ) , and at low concentrations and also presents harmalina harmalol . This group of alkaloids is not unique Banisteriopsis species , is also present in the seeds of Peganum harmala , or Syrian rue .
One of the most common mixture is prepared caapi with Psychotria viridis Banisteriosis , Chacruna one of their native names . You can also find mixed with Diplopterys cabrerana or chacopranga , or Mimosa hostilis . These plants contribute to the preparation , if any , dimethyltryptamine or DMT molecule. If we look at the very low concentration of DMT that these plants provide the resulting decoction compared with standard levels tested for oral intake of psychoactive DMT , pharmacological complexity of this decoction is noticed and understood the reason for their low toxicity . Something similar happens with monoamine oxidase inhibitors ( MAOIs) ingested that psiquiatía used as antidepressants , require very long use so they can be effective. However , the variability in the composition of the various ayahuascas will be great being in some variant of the snuff or other plants. The result is a pharmacologically complex and used for low toxicity and / or medical and religious rituals in traditional medicine native peoples of the Amazonian brew.
Ayahuasca is an ancient origin among the cultures of the Amazon of Venezuela, Colombia , Peru , Bolivia , Ecuador and Brazil.
The Shuar ethnic group in the south and the border of Ecuador and Peru ( Jivaro as called by the Spaniards ) , make use of ayahuasca by the name of " Natem " by " Uwishin " (name Shuar shaman ) . The Shipibo of Peru Conibo use in their ceremonies and healing rituals since ancient times this preparation. Just as highlight Kamsá Inga and communities in the Colombian Amazon for its significant use of Yagé for ethnomedicinal practice. Shamans or shipibos physicians ( Junes , Onayas , murayas and Mutsarawas by rank ) heirs of ancestral knowledge of the different mixtures , preparations and uses of ayahuasca use these additions for different reasons , identifying plants that add according to the effect or purpose sought , ritual, ceremonial or healing.
The preparation varies by indigenous groups , populations and medical shamans of each population , keeping his secret and each having different recipes with different aggregates.
The Shuar ethnic group in the south and the border of Ecuador and Peru ( Jivaro as called by the Spaniards ) , make use of ayahuasca by the name of " Natem " by " Uwishin " (name Shuar shaman ) . The Shipibo of Peru Conibo use in their ceremonies and healing rituals since ancient times this preparation. Just as highlight Kamsá Inga and communities in the Colombian Amazon for its significant use of Yagé for ethnomedicinal practice. Shamans or shipibos physicians ( Junes , Onayas , murayas and Mutsarawas by rank ) heirs of ancestral knowledge of the different mixtures , preparations and uses of ayahuasca use these additions for different reasons , identifying plants that add according to the effect or purpose sought , ritual, ceremonial or healing.
The preparation varies by indigenous groups , populations and medical shamans of each population , keeping his secret and each having different recipes with different aggregates.
Ayahuasca is therefore the quintessential potion Amazonian world and link between different cultures that have in common the individual or group beverage consumption for various purposes , ranging from the curative to the character that has a spiritual or personal revelation .
For more information aboy the ceremony visit: www.
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